#boise #nightphotography #olympus #urban #microfourthirds #m43 #wanderlust #downtime #downtown

I’m with you Slevin. This was an exhausting and fun long weekend! Now to recover… #greyhound #wornout #timeforanap #ironmanboise #ironman #boise #idaho #notjustpotatoes #sherpa #olympus #m43 #mirrorless #microfourthirds #dogsofinstagram #freeplaypups...

#boise 70.3 award ceremony about to start. Could not have asked for a much better day weather wise. @stephanieartis didn’t have the day she was after but there will be other races, and the fact we needed to stay for the award ceremony tells you something!...

Trying out the new “walk around” camera last night. #olympus #microfourthirds #nightphotography #handheld #boise #capitol #ironmanboise @freeplay_mag #getaway