Landscape photography seen on one of my 2014 Freeplay magazine adventures…
Funny thing about photography, you can change the story of the image with the way you frame your shot. Some of you my recognize this image from my Landscapes photography page, but I thought I would fill you in on the back story.
I was headed home from Mammoth Mountain after a photo shoot with world renowned mountain bike legend Rebecca Rusch (The Queen of Pain) for an upcoming feature in Freeplay magazine. I was nearly out of gas when I came upon the small town of Bridgeport, California. Not wanting to get caught out before the next town I decided to fill up. I pulled into the seedy gas station and began filling the tank. I looked up while pumping and was stopped dead in my tracks by the view in front of me. I grabbed the camera from the back seat of the rental car and walked to the edge of the parking lot and took this image.
There is beauty all around us. Sometimes in photography and life we need to frame in the the good and focus.
Until next time. Happy shooting!
Oh, and remind me sometime and I will tell you all about trying to bribe the highway patrol officer with Red Bull on the way home… key word was tried.
You can see the rest of my shoot with Rebecca Rusch in the Volume 2 | Issue 4 of Freeplay magazine